Two people airlifted to hospital after collision near Delhi, Ontario

Two people airlifted to hospital after collision near Delhi, Ontario

Two people were airlifted to hospital with injuries following a crash south of Delhi involving a transport truck and an SUV. The driver and passenger of the SUV were airlifted by Air Ornge, though their injuries are currently unknown. The collision has been classified...
Person dead following multi-vehicle collision in Mapleton Township

Person dead following multi-vehicle collision in Mapleton Township

A fatal crash occurred on Wellington Road 12, northwest of Elmira, on Thursday around 11:30 a.m. Ontario Provincial Police responded to the scene, where a 34-year-old from Mapleton Township was pronounced dead. No other injuries were reported. During the...


摔倒事故在安大略省是一个普遍关注的问题,常常导致严重的伤害和复杂的法律程序。安大略省高级法院已审理了许多与这些事故相关的案件,为责任、疏忽和相关法律原则提供了宝贵的见解。本文将探讨几起安大略省高级法院审理的重要摔倒案件,重点分析关键裁决、法律先例以及对受害人和物业所有者的影响。 案件1:布朗诉多伦多市(2018)...


安大略省的《狗主责任法》(DOLA)是为狗攻击受害者提供法律保障的法律条款。虽然“咬伤”通常会引起人们的联想,但《狗主责任法》将其适用范围扩展到了超出穿刺伤的其他情况。本文将探讨安大略省法律系统如何处理超出咬伤的狗攻击引起的伤害,包括抓伤、撞倒,甚至情感困扰。 《狗主责任法》下“攻击”的范围 《狗主责任法》关注的是“攻击”的概念,而不仅仅是基于咬伤来定义责任。法院对这个术语的解释较为广泛,涵盖了狗的行为导致伤害的情况,无论伤害的严重程度如何,或是否皮肤破损。 抓伤和撞倒:玩耍变成疼痛...